Start here. Go anywhere.

The Queensland International Education and Training Strategy 2022-2027 sets out the vision and focus areas to support a strong sector and build a global talent pipeline for Queensland. 

The Strategy builds on the sector collaboration fostered by the 2016-2026 strategy and reinforced by the 2021- 2022 roadmap through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Led by Study Queensland, Trade and Investment Queensland, collaborations across the Queensland Government will encourage international market development, foster quality student experiences and continue building regional capability. 

Through study clusters and regional forums, Study Queensland will engage with providers, research partners, business and industry statewide to coordinate action implementation across the state. 

The Strategy supports delivery of the Queensland Trade and Investment Strategy, the Queensland Workforce Strategy and Queensland’s broader economic strategy through the focus on attracting and developing global talent and fostering international training and education exports and investment for Queensland.

Our vision

A strong and sustainable Queensland international education and training industry that builds global engagement, nurtures life-long ambassadors and is a catalyst for attracting and developing talent to grow economies and communities through:

  • Quality education
    Position Queensland as the educational destination of choice
  • Meaningful experience
    Foster sector growth across the regions
  • Global networks
    Facilitate market development opportunities
  • Career pathways
    Link to priority industries.

Queensland International Education and Training Strategy 2022-2027

Queensland’s safe, enviable lifestyle, education excellence, strong focus on more jobs in more industries and innovative economy underpin an international study experience like no other.

Download the Strategy